Finding Balance in Life

Have you experienced the need for balance in your life?

Does it seem impossible to reach? How do we balance the various seasons in our lives, the good, the bad, the ugly?

When you lose your balance, you usually fall. We have to seek God for wisdom on how to find balance and ask for His grace when we find ourselves unbalanced and at the end of our rope. God’s grace, His favor, gives us the wisdom, strength, and courage you need.

Defining Balance

Balance is an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady, or a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. As spirit beings in human bodies, we must take care of our whole self.

Disruptions to Balance

So many things in life can upset our balance—relationships, marriage, children, family commitments, friendships, careers, church, health challenges, deadlines, debt and so much more. When off balance, we might experience anxiety, worry, insomnia, aches, headaches, inflammation, loss of focus, a weakened immune system, medical issues, crankiness, impatience, and addictions to cope and distract from what is going on.

Finding Balance Through Faith

We have an answer in Christ Jesus. Spending time at His feet will leave us full and empowered to continue. We must prioritize our time with him, even if that requires making a standing appointment with him. Commit to maintaining your daily devotion and prayer time. Remember that our priorities in life should align with our values, so it goes without saying that He should always be our first priority. If he isn’t, PLEASE make a commitment to change that today.

Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-29, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Practical Steps for Balance

  • Rest and Reflection: Remember that even God rested on the Sabbath after He completed His work.

    Genesis 2:2-3 reminds us of the importance of rest: “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.”

    While observing the Sabbath in the sense of it being a set day and having certain guidelines is no longer a requirement due to Jesus coming to earth and fulfilling the law, which makes everything complete (Matthew 5:17). It is still a good practice and principle meant to help us maintain balance and rest. I have heard it said that “Sabbath is not a commandment we are bound to; it’s a promise we’re invited to enjoy in Christ.”

  • Healthy Habits: Eat right, exercise, take power naps, and make time to be refreshed and relaxed, no matter what self-care looks like for you.
  • Set Boundaries: Remember, “No” is a complete sentence. God didn’t call us to do everything. It is okay to say no to being busy and stretched thin.


The Power of Balance

Maintaining balance in life is not just about managing time and commitments; it’s about aligning our priorities with our faith. God’s grace empowers us to find equilibrium in the midst of life’s chaos. By putting Him first and seeking His wisdom, we can navigate our responsibilities with a steady heart and a clear mind.

Incorporate these principles into your daily life, and you will find the strength and courage to live a balanced, fulfilling life. Remember, balance is not a one-time achievement but a continual process of adjustment and realignment. With God’s guidance, you can maintain a life that honors Him and nurtures your holistic well-being.



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